Not a joke

It’s brought to my attention that the ZIP file on Github contains a non-working version of the add-on. Of course, I’m not at home, so I can’t correct it. Not sure what happened, but apologies to anyone that downloaded v0.0.3 and tried to install it.

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Add-on is sort of finished

I just released version 0.0.3 of the add-on, and it’s more or less finished. There are some things that could be enhanced, but that probably would cost a lot of work, so for now I’d say it’s done. Get it on Gumroad!

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Addon now on Gumroad

The addon has reached version 0.0.2, and with that functionality (version 0.0.2 has preferences so you can add your own resolutions), I wanted to put it up for the public. As a Blender user, I already have accounts on Gumroad and other Blender-related sites. The addon is now available on Gumroad. TOPO Output Resolution Helper […]

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Blender add-on

Let’s break the silence around here. By a request on the Blender discord I’m part of, someone wanted an easier way to set the output resolution to different formats, because he posts on different social media and wanted to render in a specific resolution per platform. Jokingly, the server owner said: why don’t you ask […]

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Working on it!

Getting things working is quite some work. I’m glad you’re already here. You can expect more posts about what I’m working on currently, what I’m learning, and results of course. Stick around and we’ll make the journey together.

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